mercoledì 25 novembre 2015

Healthy eating

The body is the garden of the soul therefore, if we look after the latter we must do the same with the former. Healthy eating is just a part of body-care: eating wisely is one of the factors that ensure wellness. Food plays an extremely relevant role in our lives and has a strong impact on our mental, physical and emotional health.

Nowadays an endless number of temporary diets is being published: this way results can only be achieved and maintained for a limited period. The word "diet" derives from the Greek "way of living" therefore, balance and moderation give many more permanent results than any of those diets prescribing the elimination or the massive intake of elements from the same food group.

I recommend you to keep a food diary for a month so that you can visualize what you eat each and every day and then formulate a meal plan. Get to know yourselves and understand which ingredients bother you, which foods are hard to digest and which ones make you feel better. Learn the difference between good fats and bad fats, try to understand the positive impact of cereals, fruits, vegetables and legumes on your body and learn the importance of drinking water. Set yourselves a goal: thanks to the acquired knowledge on food and its benefits you will be able to plan your own personal balanced diet. If you will be using a balanced approach and eating healthy foods there will always be room for a piece of chocolate!

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