lunedì 18 gennaio 2016

The 12 rules for running further and faster with less effort

Hi everybody! Today’s post will focus on the 12 easy rules to follow if we want to improve our posture and physical efficiency while running.

Ready, set, GO!

I know, it is not something that comes naturally, but if you shorten your stride, step frequency increases. The benefits derived from it are two: you will run more efficiently because you will run on your forefoot and you will reduce the risk of injuries.

By looking straight ahead, depth perception latency will be reduced. According to a research carried out by the University of New York, setting running goals (for example overtaking a predetermined point such as a tree) may make distance appear smaller and you may fell less tired. Moreover, dividing the distance to be covered into multiple parts will help you cope psychologically with it. 

Harness gravity by leaning forward at the ankles rather than at the hips. 

Contracting arm and shoulder muscles is a waste of energy. A good posture brings substantial health benefits.

No engine can go full speed when cold without negative consequences. The same applies for our legs: warming up before running and doing cool down stretches afterwards is a blessing for your body.

If you run more than 500 km (200 miles) in a pair of shoes, they can get thinner and stiffer. It can also lead to injuries that take months to heal. Therefore, you should always replace your shoes when you realise that they are worn out. How do you understand that? Put one hand in your shoe, and press on the sole with your other hand. If you can feel your fingers pressing through, those shoes are worn out: the cushioning totally compressed or the outer sole worn thin.

Using proper sportswear when you train is of vital importance. In fact, it allows sweat to evaporate and facilitates thermal balance.

Dehydration during exercise is a real danger therefore, drinking is extremely important. It is quite difficult to understand when to do it though, as it depends on the outside temperature and the weather. Bringing a bottle of water everywhere we go is always a good idea.

It is inevitable: running with a friend helps us give our best. In fact, it has been observed that the average speed improves by 5″/km as chatting with someone makes time go faster.

Boredom is an ugly beast as the feelings of fatigue are accentuated. Listen to music, look around, think about your day, and focus on the movement of your body. These are all activities that might help you put fatigue in the background.

A balanced and healthy diet will help you with your trainings. Do not overeat but at the same time do not eat too few calories: your body needs proteins, carbohyrates, fats and vitamins.

Resting is an integral part of the training regime. Scheduling rest days will help you be energetic and recover from muscle fatigue.

giovedì 14 gennaio 2016

Water: an essential resource!

Hi everyone! Today's post will deal with the qualities of water and how important it is to drink it.

It is common knowledge that
Adults should drink at least 1.5 litres of water a day. Dr Wendy Doyle of the British Dietetic Association says this amount is based on sound medical reasoning. Adults lose around 3 litres of fluid a day, she says: 1-1.5 litres as urine, 0.5-1 litres in perspiration, around 400ml in our breath, and about 300ml in our faeces.
 It also goes without saying that this amount should increase in hotter weather, if you exercise a lot and if you do physically demanding work as fluid loss should be restricted. 

If these two arguments are not enough for you, I will list the 10 main positive implication of drinking more water and staying hydrated:
  1. Weight loss: water helps regulate the appetite. It promotes a feeling of fullness and helps get rid of the feeling of hunger.
  2. Metabolism stimulation: fluids help boost the metabolism and burn calories.
  3. Training improvements: water increases muscle power. Therefore, it is recommended to drink
    before beginning any physical activity.
  4. Skin improvement: drinking 2 liters of water a day hydrates the body. It helps combat dry skin and eliminate the toxins and bacteria accumulated. Staying hydrated improves skin's appearance and gives the face a more youthful appearance.
  5. Headache prevention: not drinking enough water is a common cause of headaches. 
  6. Improvement of concentration.
  7. Strenghtening of the immune system.
  8. Improvement of purification and digestion: water helps our organism eliminate toxins and body waste. This function is combined with regular bowel movements that are critical to proper digestion. Drinking water might help relieve constipation.
  9. Increased energy.
  10. You will feel better.

mercoledì 13 gennaio 2016

30 day squat challenge

Hi everyone!
Since I've heard a lot about the so called 30 day squat challenge, I decided to take it up. I also have noticed people on Youtbibe saying that it worked. Will it produce the promised results?

If you have no idea what I'm talking about here's an explanation. The 30 day squat challenge only has 1 exercise which is squats. You have to do it each day, and the time spent doing the exercise slowly increases day by day to help you build up your core body muscle strength gradually, ensuring you are able to complete the final day of the challenge easily. You start by doing 50 squats and end up on the 30th day doing 250. There must clearly be intervals between a training cycle and the other. It also goes without saying that you must limit yourselves on the basys of your physical form.

It is of vital importance to know how to perform these exercises well, otherwise we risk damaging our back and knees. Here are the basic rules:
  • Stand with your legs spread out. The width betweeen you legs should go beyond the width of your pelvis. It is important to maintain a stable position. 
  • Keep you back straight and pretend to sit on a chair that's far away from you.
  • Go down below your knees and then come squat back up by pressing on the heel.
  • Return to the starting position by contracting you glutes. 

venerdì 8 gennaio 2016

On sun safety and skin tones

Here I am, back again!
After this long holiday season I'm back with my advices on how to live a healthy, long and joyful life. As you may expect these advices don't just deal with fitness/diet but with health in general, with how we live.
This is why today's post will be about taking care of our skin and protecting it from the sun. I will provide you with some information about different skin tones and how to treat them well 'cause if we don't want we can get something bad.

Who doesn't like going to the beach and getting suntanned? I personally love the feeling of the sun warming my skin. I hate sunscreen but I also hate sunburn... and if there's something we should watch out for is sunburns!
When I was younger I got sunburnt very easily as I felt that putting sunscreen on was a sign of weakness for a boy. However, while growing up I realised how important it is to protect our skin from the sun. In order to do so It is vital to identify our skin type and act accordingly.

There 6 different skin types:
  • 1 and 2: Nordic peoples with blonde hair and pale skin. They get sunburnt in less than 10 minutes and they need a very high sun protection factor (SPF): 50 or more 
  • 3 and 4: peoples with golden brown hair and skin. They need a SPF in between 10 and 30
  • 5 and 6: peoples with dark or olive skin. They only need a low SPF 6-10
Age affects our sunscreen choices as well: young people until 15 years of age and the elderly need to use higher SPFs no matter their skin tones.

Therefore, just choose the right sunscreen for you skin type (I hope I have been of some use) and you'll be fit as a fiddle and at the same time perfectly tanned!