Since I've heard a lot about the so called 30 day squat challenge, I decided to take it up. I also have noticed people on Youtbibe saying that it worked. Will it produce the promised results?
If you have no idea what I'm talking about here's an explanation. The 30 day squat challenge only has 1 exercise which is squats. You have to do it each day, and the time spent doing the exercise slowly increases day by day to help you build up your core body muscle strength gradually, ensuring you are able to complete the final day of the challenge easily. You start by doing 50 squats and end up on the 30th day doing 250. There must clearly be intervals between a training cycle and the other. It also goes without saying that you must limit yourselves on the basys of your physical form.
It is of vital importance to know how to perform these exercises well, otherwise we risk damaging our back and knees. Here are the basic rules:
- Stand with your legs spread out. The width betweeen you legs should go beyond the width of your pelvis. It is important to maintain a stable position.
- Keep you back straight and pretend to sit on a chair that's far away from you.
- Go down below your knees and then come squat back up by pressing on the heel.
- Return to the starting position by contracting you glutes.
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