mercoledì 2 dicembre 2015

Let's get back on track!

                                                                       Today I will talk about how to get back into shape. Since there are two main methods: weight training exercises and swimming, I will talk about both of them separately.

Swimming is without a doubt one of the healthiest sport and it can be done during both winter and summer (you can go to the beach or use a pool).
Its being healthy derives from different elements:
  • it does not have any negative effects on the skeletal system
  • it stimulates muscle growth and strenghtens the muscles
  • it makes articulations and ligaments flexible
  • it strenghtens heart and chest muscles
  • it prevents weight gain
  • it relieves the effects of asthma
  • tit balances the levels of cholesterol 
  • it prevents diabetes
  • it reduces stress since by stimulating the production  of endorphines 
  • it helps you live longer
However, be careful. Swimming can be risky if you have certain physical characeristics: without further ado consult with your doctor and get a checkup done!

At the same time, if you want to get back on track there are some exercises you can do together with running: you can see them in the image shown above. An hour of these exercises each day helps keep fit, relieve stress and relax.
Abs, biceps, quads, shoulder, gluteal muscles and so and so forth... A perfect body that's ready for swimsuit season!

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