lunedì 30 novembre 2015

On the perfect shoes and the joy of walking


In the previous posts, I have been talking about how to eat and run better. It is now time to talk about the most important element in a runner's life: shoes!

I am going to teach you how to choose them so that your physical well-being will not be damaged. A number of factors needs to be verified especilly in relation to our feet: firstly, it is vitally important to understand how the ball of the foot lays on the ground; secondly, it is necessary to perform an agility test on the shoes and thirdly, you need to check if you pronate (your feet roll in) while running.

Together with finding the best shoes for you, it is equally as important to understand whether your body allows you to run or whether a simple walk is recommended.

Walking does not require an excessive physical effort but, if done for at least 30 minutes a day, allows you to exercise. Furthermore, it allows you to avoid boredom since it allows you to spend time with your friends and to discover new parts of your city while exercising.

Although people tend to think that running is healthier than walking, the latter gives the same advantages as the former: it allows you to keep fit, to lose weight and to feel younger.

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